Why Corten steel building is better than original building?

Why Corten steel building is better than original building?

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Have you concerned about the building that is chocolate colored? That is made for corten steel building. 
corten steel building
Corten steel building
Have you heard corten steel? What is corten steel?
Let me tell you. Corten steel is a kind of low alloy high strength steel with some alloying elements and good corrosive properties.
The corten steel and anti-corrosion property of Corten-A is 5~8 times as high as common steel. COR-TEN B is 4 times as high as common steel.
Handling procedures without corrosion can not influence forming steady rust layer sequentially, which is environmental and promotion of plants growth. It can not influence limited materials grow with ambient plants, either, reflecting the continuable design notion.( The red rust weathering resistant steel could change with time elapse. Its color is influenced by environment and weather massively. The rust layer’s color of weathering resistant steel will turn crimson from bronzing if it is placed for a long time. Which could stem back the place history, record time moment and extend place vigor. Let the limited materials grow each other and reflect continuable design notion. )

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